We sat down with our first recipient of the TCVM Scholarship, Dr. Bhajan Das to talk about his experience in the 2015 Acupuncture course in Guangzhou, China. Dr. Dasis a teacher in the Department of Medicine and Surgery at the Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University in Bangladesh.
He shared his gratitude for the scholarship, his excitement for the subject and his plans for the future. “I am a teacher… so hopefully our patients and our students can benefit from my knowledge,” he explained his plans for sharing what he has learned with his university as well as hopes of implementing new programs and internships. “Without this scholarship, I could not think to attend the program,” he said. It is our hope to grant more scholarships to veterinarians like Dr. Das who will help spread the knowledge. We hope for our scholarship to educate not one person, but to cause a chain reaction spreading knowledge.
Dr. Bhajan Das (on the far right), the first recipient of the Rosenburg Scholarship