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  • Dr. Judith Saik to Become AJTCVM Editor-in-Chief

Dr. Judith Saik to Become AJTCVM Editor-in-Chief

Monday, 17 March 2014 18:00

The annual meeting of the AATCVM Board was held on March 12, 2014. Dr. Judith Saik was introduced and will assume the role of Editor-in-Chief of the American Journal of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (AJTCVM) May 2014.

Dr. Suzy Brannan provided the financial report and the AATCVM is financially solvent. She also reported that the AJTCVM also has a solid list of advertisers. Dr. Cheryl Chrisman reported that the AJTCVM 9(2) will be another strong issue with a good balance of basic science and clinical studies, as well as continuing education. Dr. Hawkins reported that money is available for high quality TCVM research projects and 2 proposals should be submitted shortly. Dr. Shen Xie reported that applications have been made for inclusion of AJTCVM in the Thomson Reuters Science Citation Index (SCI) and United States National Library of Medicine (PubMed) databases. The process takes approximately 1 year. Inclusion in these databases will greatly increase the number of papers submitted to AJTCVM, since most Chinese researchers can only obtain MS and PhD degrees after publication in an SCI approved journal. Mr. Zhen Zhao presented membership recruitment and retention statistics and the Board discussed ways to promote membership and streamline the methods to join or renew. Individuals who do not have a pay-pal account are having trouble applying online with a credit card. Other people struggle with the online application process itself. A designated member service phone line and email will be established to improve the membership process. Methods of streamlining AATCVM free memberships for current acupuncture students have been improved.


AATCVM BOARD Seated left to right: Dr. Cheryl L Chrisman (outgoing AJTCVM Editor-in-Chief) and Dr. Judith Saik (incoming AJTCVM Editor-in-Chief) Standing left to right: Dr. Shen Xie (AATCVM Executive Director), Mr. Zhen Zhao (AATCVM IT and Membership Support and Services), Dr. Bruce Ferguson (AATCVM President), Dr. Dan Hawkins (Chairman of the AATCVM Research Committee) and Dr. Suzy Brannan AATCVM Secretary-Treasurer and AJTCVM Advertising)

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