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WATCVM Founded to Advance TCVM Globally

Monday, 16 September 2013 06:46

Veterinary leaders from around the world met in conjunction with the 15th Annual International Conference on Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) in Euroforum, El Escorial, Madrid, Spain on Sept 14, 2013. The mission of the WATCVM is:

to unite the global TCVM community through prom­­­otion and publication of research on all aspects of TCVM, 2) to develop guidelines for TCVM practice (standardize acupuncture points, channels, and herbal medicines - dosage and usage, etc.), 3) To raise funds through the TCVM Foundation to support research and scholarship for veterinary students/faculty members to learn TCVM and 4) to help establish TCVM curriculums for Veterinary Medical Colleges globally. WATCVM officers include: Executive Director: Dr. Mushtaq Memon (USA), President: Dr. Qingbo Wang (China), Vice Presidents: Dr. Bruce Ferguson (Australia), Dr Jishu Shi (USA), Dr. Huisheng Xie (USA), Dr. Jiangin Xu (China), Dr. Zhiqiang Yang (China) and Dr. Jose Zilberschtein (Spain), Secretary/Treasurer: Dr. Aituan Ma (China). There are 45 Board members representing 25 countries or world regions. Committees currently include: 1) the Education and curriculum committee, 2) the Standardization of TCVM practice Committee, 3) the WATCVM Foundation committee for research and scholarships, 4) the Membership committee and 5) the Out-reach committee. Other committees will be added as needed. The WATCVM website is currently being designed and created. Individual countries will develop their own branches of WATCVM. Currently the German Association of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (GATCVM) and the Spain Association of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (SATCVM) have been established. 

Left to Right Kneeling front row: Dr. Michela Picardi (Italy) and Dr. Elizabeth Shaw (Ireland) Sitting: Dr. Melissa Haddad (Honduras), Dr. Eva Balogh (Hungary), Dr. Kintz Konegger (Austria), Dr. Lorena Lloret (Spain), Dr. Ana Stela Fonsca (Brazil), Dr. Carla Sanchez (Puerto Rico), Dr. Maria Lourdes Velarde (Peru) Standing 1st row: Dr. Rodrigo Monteiro (Brazil), Dr. Erol Güçlü Gülanber (Turkey), Dr. Mushtaq Memon (USA), Dr. Qingbo Wang (China), Dr. Huisheng Xie (USA), Dr. Kosei Yamagiwa (Japan), Dr. Hanwen Cheng (China/Taiwan) and Dr. Songhua Hu (China)


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