Europe Association of TCVM
Welcome to the Europe Association of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (EATCVM), a chapter of the World Association of TCVM. Established in 2024, EATCVM's primary mission is to unite veterinarians and veterinary students interested in or practicing acupuncture and TCVM, providing support and resources to enhance animal care throughout Europe.
Executive Members of EATCVM
President: Lorena LLoret DVM, CVA, CVFT, CVCH, CVTP, CVBMA (Ireland)
Dr. LLoret received her DVM from Murcia University in Spain in June 2002. She earned her veterinary acupuncture certification from Chi University-Thailand in 2005. The following year, Dr. LLoret completed the acupuncture internship program at the University of Florida with Dr. Xie. She served as Chief of TCVM Services of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the University Alfonso X in Madrid, Spain from 2014-2021. Dr. LLoret is the translator and editor-in-chief of the Spanish edition of TCVM: Fundamental Principles by Dr. Xie. She is currently the director of Chi-Europe, Chi-Spain and Chi-Ireland and serves as a primary instructor for Chi CVA courses throughout Europe. Dr. LLoret TCVM specialty in both small animal and horses, offering clinics in Ireland.
Vice President: Ralitsa Granchanova-Hill DVM, MRCVS, CVA, CVBMA, Cert. PCF (Bulgaria)
Dr. Ralitsa Grancharova-Hill, a 2013 graduate of Trakia University in Bulgaria, began her career as an equine veterinarian before expanding into evidence-based holistic medicine. She earned her veterinary acupuncture certification from Chi University in Spain in 2017 and pursued advanced training in equine acupuncture, neurology, and TCVM. Co-founder of Zoo Metta, Sofia’s first holistic veterinary clinic, she offers TCVM therapies for small animals and exotics while maintaining a mobile equine practice in the UK. Certified as a canine nutritionist, she formulates TCVM-based diets and is currently completing her Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner (CCRP) certification. In 2024, she was elected Vice President of the European Association of TCVM.
Secretary: Cristina Firulete DVM, CVA (United Kingdom)
Dr. Cristina Firulete received her DVM from Cluj-Napoca, Romania in 2017. As a student, she worked in practices that offered alternative options such as acupuncture and homeopathy. Upon realizing how important it is to treat every patient with a holistic view, Dr. Firulete enrolled in Chi’s CVA Program in Spain, earning her CVA in 2019 and now continues pursuit of her TCVM education through enrollment in Chi’s Food Therapy course. Dr. Firulete plans to pursue her Master’s Degree in TCVM in the future. Dr. Firulete is currently a veterinary surgeon practicing in a holistic clinic in northern England where she incorporates integrative medicine into the care & treatment plans of her patients daily. Her conventional medical interests include emergencies, anesthesia, and feline medicine, but her main goal is to recognize chronic pain and improve quality of life for her patients.
Communications Chair: Victoria Unt BVetMed, MRCVS, CVA, CVBMA, CVFT, CVNN (Switzerland)
Dr. Victoria E. Unt, a 2007 graduate of the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) in London, began her career in small animal practice before specializing in equine biomechanics and diagnostic imaging. After moving to Switzerland in 2011, she worked with the International Equestrian Federation (FEI) and later founded Vet Équilibre, a holistic veterinary clinic in Yverdon-les-Bains. Certified in acupuncture, food therapy, and natural nutrition, she is currently pursuing veterinary chiropractic certification. An active researcher and speaker, she serves as Communications Chair for the European Association of TCVM. Dr. Unt is also an FEI Official Veterinarian and Swiss Equestrian Federation anti-doping official. In 2024, she launched, a French-language blog on holistic veterinary medicine. Outside of work, she enjoys CrossFit, nature, and time with her Boxer, Ziggy. A former international Taekwondo competitor, she values discipline in all aspects of life.
How to Join
To become a member of the European chapter of WATCVM, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Follow us on Facebook: