May 2022
Patient: Cachorra
Exam: May 22
History/Findings: Rescued from the streets by Fundación Rayito. Severe body pain especially in the head, general poor muscle mass but severe muscle atrophy head muscles, Nao shu very painful, severe PU/PD, Diahrrea (first feces are ok, but as the day passes they became diarrheic (yellow with strong odor), large quantities of feces, dry nose with greenish secretion with a strong odor, drools all day, weakness and incoordination when walking, red tongue with thick coating, weak pulse, weaker on the left
Eastern: Spleen Qi deficiency, Kidney Qi and Yin deficiency, dam heat in the brain, Qi stagnation
Acupuncture Principle: Tonify QI and Yin, Transform damp and eliminate heat. Disperse Qi stagnation
Acupuncture Treatment: Bl23, Ki3, Sp 6, Li4, Liv3, Nao shu, bai hui, St 40.
Other: Chi University CVA Session 2 Students participated as an extracurricular activity
Patient: Coco
Exam: May 22
History/Findings: Rescued from the streets after a car accident, He had surgery for a double hip fracture. Surgery was a success but still has a lot of muscle pain at the left hindlimb
Western: stabilized ileon fracture with muscle contracture
Eastern: Local Qi stagnation at left hip
Acupuncture Principle: Disperse Qi stagnation at the left hip
Acupuncture Treatment: Electro: gv14+ bai hui, Bl40 + Bl23, left Bl54 + Shen shu, DN: Kid3, Liv3, Li4, Gb34
Patient: Chili
Exam: May 22
History/Findings: wood personality, Picky eater, intermittent diarrhea. The diarrhea is yellow and without odor, has severe pruritus all over the body, prefers heat, has panic to fireworks, small dandruff, tongue: pale and dry, Pulse: fast and weak.
Western: chronic pancreatitis and atopy
Eastern: Spleen Qi deficiency, Liver Yin and Blood deficiency, wind
Acupuncture Principle: Tonify Qi, Yin and blood. Eliminate wind
Acupuncture Treatment: Bl20,21, 1718,19,23, Gb20, Sp10,St36